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"Cursed should he be that forged the first blade. For what matter of evil did he desire to unleash, with this curse of death and power unto the unready world of mortals?" - Written reference to the True Blade.

At first glance, this sword looks to be a rusted piece of dark metal banged into a vague shape resembling that of a sword. It has no hand guard, and only an old piece of thin cloth wrapped around the poorly shaped grip. Despite its appearance, the blade's edge never dulls, and holds history through all of existence, cutting the lives of men, monsters, demons and even gods.

Those that take up arms with this blade find it effective but nothing spectacular from any other sword. Those the blade itself has chosen to wield it, and help it fulfill its mysterious desire will discover this blade is unrelenting and can't be stopped by any force, physical, magical or divine.

"Cursed should he be that forged the first blade. For what matter of evil did he desire to unleash, with this curse of death and power unto the unready world of mortals?" - Written reference to the True Blade.
