- The Allomancer (pdf) byDavid Schirduan
- The Arcane Duelist by Unknown
- The Awakened Mage by Urdnot Rekt
- The Beguiler by Escort Mission
- The Charlatan by Sears Poncho
- The Diabolist by KillerQueen
- The Enchanter by Unknown
- The Illusionist by Barrett Alexander
- The Initiate by Mors Rattus
- The Mage by Jacob Randolph
- The Namer by Rulebook Heavily
- The Necromancer by Shamblecow
- The Necromancer by The Supreme Court
- The Spellcaster by unknown
- The Voice by Tim Franzke
- The Warlock by Mikan
- The Abjurer - A Dungeon World Playbook by Mike Wice
- The Arcane Duelist - A Dungeon World Playbook by Timothy Schroeder
- The Biomancer - A Dungeon World Playbook by Merry Mancer Games
- Alternative Cleric Playbook by Awful Good Games
- The Chronomancer - A Dungeon World Playbook by Dwarfare Games
- The Clock Mage - A Dungeon World Playbook by Liberi Gothica Games
- The Cultist - A Dungeon World Playbook by Liberi Gothica Games
- The Auramancer A Dungeon World Playbook by Dwarfare Games
- The Illusionist - A Dungeon World Playbook by Bryce Duzan
- The Initiate - A Dungeon World Compatible Class by Fünhaver Industries
- The Mage - A Dungeon World Playbook by Dwarfare Games
- The Masked Mage - A Dungeon World Playbook by Liberi Gothica Games
- The Mage - A Dungeon World Playbook by Dwarfare Games
- The Masked Mage - A Dungeon World Playbook by Liberi Gothica Games
- The Pyromancer - A Dungeon World Playbook by Role Cast Die Productions
- The Namer - A Dungeon World compatible class by Fünhaver Industries
- The Sorcerer - A Dungeon World Playbook by Adrian Thoen
- The Spellslinger - A Dungeon World Playbook by Adrian Thoen
- The Spellsword- A Dungeon World Playbook by Liberi Gothica Games
- The Summoner - A Dungeon World Playbook by Timothy Schroeder
- The Sword Mage- A Dungeon World Playbook by Awful Good Games
- The Tumor Mage - New Class For Dungeon World by Pleb Publishing
- The Vancomancer - A Dungeon World Playbook by Awful Good Games
- The Voidtouched - A Dungeon World Playbook by Byrce Duzan
- The Witch - A Dungeon World Playbook #1 by Awful Good Games
- The Witch - A Dungeon World Playbook #2 by Liberi Gothica Games
- The Witch Doctor - A Dungeon World Playbook by Dwarfare Games
- The Winter Mage- A Dungeon World Playbook by Liberi Gothica Games